Tupeak Hope

There is always hope!

Sense of Self #AtoZChallenge

Sense of Self #AtoZChallenge What is a sense of self? Typically it refers to how we perceive ourselves or in more simple terms it refers to self-image. How does our sense of self influence our lives? How does our sense of self transform when we are suddenly faced with a life-altering diagnosis? When we are healthy and are able to do things we wish to do, including an occupation where we feel good about going to work each day, our sense of self is easy to identify.

Resentment #AtoZChallenge

Resentment #AtoZChallenge It is not uncommon to experience resentment when facing a long term illness. Don’t beat yourself up if you encounter it. How you manage the resentment will make all the difference in your ability to work through it. Regardless of whether you resent yourself or think a loved one is feeling resentful towards you, you can conquer this! When you feel as if you have lost your sense of self due to a chronic illness or injury, it is not at all unusual to feel some sort of resentment.

Pain Management #AtoZChallenge

Pain Management #AtoZChallenge In keeping with yesterday’s post regarding the use of opiates in treating pain, I thought for today’s post I would focus on non-narcotic alternatives to address your pain. Please realize that as with everything I write, the things I share are in no way personalized medical advice. You bear full responsibility for any actions you take regarding the information you read here. Furthermore, I suggest that you discuss any idea with your physician prior to implementation.

Opiates in Pain Management #AtoZChallenge

Opiates in Pain Management #AtoZChallenge The debate over the use of prescription narcotics in the management of pain has long been a controversial topic. This topic has come more to the forefront of late as the debate heats up in both the media and the healthcare industry. There are arguments both for and against the use of opiates. In this post, I will share my knowledge and experience as they relate to the use of narcotics in pain management.

D is for: Denial to Discovery

D is for Denial to Discovery A common reaction to any real or potential major change in one’s health or life often begins with denial. Denial of the very existence of said matter. Denial that this could, in fact, be happening to you. Denial that things could even potentially be as serious as even the best case scenario you can envision, not too mention the worst case scenario. Denial is often tied closely to bargaining, depression, and a whole host of other emotions.