Tupeak Hope

There is always hope!

Your Mental Health #AtoZChallenge

Your Mental Health #AtoZChallenge When discussing the issues of chronically ill people, some of the topics most thought of include physical health, access to affordable and appropriate healthcare, and general accessibility. A very important, if not overlooked, topic is the mental health not only of the chronically ill person, but those who may help to care for them. All too often mental health gets significantly less attention than ones physical health, and is often less likely to be as available through medical insurance.

X-Rays #AtoZChallenge

X-Rays – They Don’t Show Everything! #AtoZChallenge Whether we suffer an illness or injury, often one of the first methods to look at the structures inside the body is often an X-ray. This is regardless of whether the suspected injury will show up on an X-ray or not. There are many forms of radiological studies which physicians can use to evaluate the nature of your particular complaint, illness, or injury.

Wheelchairs, etc. #AtoZChallenge

Wheelchairs, etc. #AtoZChallenge Often the use of a wheelchair is equated with someone being unable to move or use their lower limbs in order to stand and ambulate. While this is certainly true for some people and some situations, it is not a hard and fast rule. There are many legitimate reasons one may be relegated to using a wheelchair without being paralyzed. In this post, we will discuss just a few such instances.

Vertigo #AtoZChallenge

Vertigo #AtoZChallenge During the month of April this blog has focused on a number of general topics as they relate to chronic illness. Today we are going to touch on a specific issue, because all of the other topics I chose for the letter V just didn’t sit well with me. So in order to remain relevant and in an attempt to touch on something new each day, we will delve into the dizzying world of vertigo.

Terminal Illness #AtoZChallenge

Terminal Illness #AtoZChallenge Typically when we think of chronic illness we don’t think of terminal illnesses. However many illnesses that end in a terminal condition can, in fact, be a result of a chronic illness. By definition, a chronic illness can be one that lasts more than three to six months. There are many terminal illnesses that would also be considered a chronic illness. Several members of my extended family have battled cancer over a number of years.